美国福禄克FLUKE5725A Amplifier

 The Fluke 5725A Amplifier enhances the Fluke 5700A Series Multifunction Calibrators in the ac voltage, ac current, and dc current functions. The Fluke 5725A operates under complete control of the Fluke 5700A Series calibrators through an interface cable supplied with the Fluke 5725A.

Enhancements to Fluke 5700A/Fluke 5720A ac voltage output capability provided by the Fluke 5725A:
 •Frequency limits at higher voltage increase to 100 kHz at 750 V, 30 kHz at 1100 V
 •Load limits are to 70 mA for frequencies above 5 kHz, and to 50 mA for frequencies less than 5 kHz
 •Capacitive load limits are increased to 1000 pF
Voltage output from the Fluke 5725A is available at the Fluke 5700A Series Calibrators' front or rear binding posts. This eliminates the need to move cables during a procedure that requires amplified as well as standard calibrator outputs.
The Fluke 5725A front or rear panel OUTPUT binding posts are only for current output. Extended-range ac and dc current is supplied through them. Since most meters with a high current range use a separate high current input terminal, this configuration normally eliminates the need to move cables during a procedure. If a single-point current output is needed, the Fluke 5700A Series Calibrator can be configured to source all current outputs through the Fluke 5725A binding posts.
Model Fluke 5725A operating functions and ranges:
 •AC voltage: 220 V to 1100 V rms up to 70 mA (50 mA < 5 kHz), 40 Hz to 30 kHz; 220 to 750V rms up to 70 mA, 30 kHz to 100 kHz
 •DC current: 0 A to ±11 A
 •AC current: 1 A to 11 A rms, 40 Hz to 10 kHz
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